The man in the grocery aisle staring overly long at the honey containers - that's probably me. We have to try and save money on our food bill. Now, how much was the honey per oz. at Kroger compared to Aldi compared to Target? These are the questions of the day. (Ok, maybe we shouldn't be considering honey in the first place, but it is our home remedy for allergies. If you are saying that is a old wife's tale, just imagine me as Billy Crystal in The Princess Bride with my hands over my ears, screaming out, "I'M NOT LISTENING, I'M NOT LISTENING!")
We are trying to discover what works best for us with regard to buying groceries, meaning good, wholesome and with the least expense necessary. For us, good means buy organic when possible, fresh fruit and vegetables will still be staples, and everything else is up for discussion.
We have found some really good deals at Aldi. I bought a pint of blueberries (nonorganic) for $0.99, a loaf of whole grain bread for $.69 and the big container of their brand of Quick Oats for $1.99. Sometimes at Kroger we can take advantage of their specials to buy items we like at an excellent discount. Other times, for specific items we see that WalMart or Target is consistently cheaper.
I know that Blake and other financial gurus say that we should just buy what we need for the week (or two weeks or month, etc, depending on how well you plan in advance I guess). We try to take advantage of stock-up specials, though, believing that it will pay off in the long run. Is our thinking flawed?
What about you? What are the ways that you have "gone cheap"? I really would like to know what you have found to be the best bargains with regard to laundry and dishwasher detergent, soaps, etc.
I'm couponing now. You don't even have to get the paper, there's stuff online! You can get the Briefing for free from the Dallas Morning News and they have coupons too. I stock up things I have room to store. Also, there are blogs that give you tips on how to save pennies. I have friends that make their own laundry detergent, liquid soap, and use a foil ball instead of dryer sheets. Google can be your best friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that Brooke. Sometimes I think of googling "how to make ______stuff," then I forget. BTW, about 2 months ago before buying my hair razor, I YouTubed "how to cut your own hair" and found lots of video illustrations.